Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Much Snow Will Cancel Your Flight?

A beautiful day and beautiful booty ........

....... from Friday to Saturday we were back in Berlin ....... just my hero and I ....... must indeed be from time to time ....... with hotel, cappuccino in the sidewalk cafe, shopping treats, making it so We are not ..... and the glorious weather formally invited to stroll through the markets one ...... although we are only gone off around noon, we have still so many beautiful treasure found ..... .... along with some beautiful boxes, crates and boxes ........ ..... the beautiful sewing box was still with the original small Shclüssel even filled yet (you need the content and / can be provided - of course, THANK YOU, LIKE )..... ......... some nice pieces of ceramic, porcelain and glass molded to complement my collection (such a butter dish I was looking for some time, because unfortunately my clumsy hands had fallen victim to )...... . ....... also equal to one whole collection of antique umbrellas, sun umbrellas, that my hero, she has taken me under his arm to the car, noticed, like a sore thumb - suddenly we could sell them on the spot ... .. she had something hidden in a pile and threw wildly however lain how the dealer had put down in the morning ..... probably ALL they had overlooked ... .... time to find one is already possible, but like so many, that was a stroke of luck - of course, are not all in the new load condition ,...... ... some lack the cover ...... .........- but not strung, they can be decorated great. And the really fascinating are the nice handles ...... ....... horn, silver-plated brass, wood - with charming artwork ..... .. and they are sometimes surprisingly long - when you consider that women 100 years ago really were not very big - in my mind's eye I see literally a resolute fine lady, as she lends her umbrella with violent throbbing with their wishes Reproduction .... .... also an old library director, I can finally call my own - after I had been looking for ever - beginning of January I had found one in Dawanda - though not a collapse - she was said to be stable / unfortunately she wobbled alarmingly, so it was a handle to K. ..... been. This is now old and still very stable - now my new step disappears in the shed .... .. I wish you now have a really good Sunday ...... here it is again, unfortunately, become lousy cold - but anything is better than rain and snow !!!!!
your Jacqueline
Ps: One more word on your blogs ....... my post today has unfortunately taken longer than 2 hours, until it was uploaded (and that went quickly - I'm still too little trouble uploading your beautiful posts ever forgive me ........ so please, if I leave some comments at the moment - they also take leave for so long that, unfortunately, simply beyond my time capacity - READ BUT I WANT YOU AT LEAST AND LOOK - I thank you sincerely for your understanding and hope for better times, that I can give my mustard again !!!!!!


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