Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thumb And Little Finger Up Meaning

just had a panic attack!

Imagine, you want to open your blog page and gets the message:

"This blog has been removed ..."

No matter how you try to call him! Always the same message (and any other blogs that I've often gone too!)
KOTZÜBEL I was and I reacted in horror and panic. Have first sought the help page that might have happened. Nothing found very helpful. I deleted my blog that is neither self nor my Google Account. Have then try to login again and got the message:

"are on your Google Account irregularities surfaced ..."

or something like that. HÄH??
Then you will be prompted to enter his mobile number to get sent a code. I was skeptical at first, but then got my number and was promptly given a text message there with a number. I had to Google to enter them again and I log in again with e-mail and password. Then came the news that my cookies or what is wrong with the browser or Java Script ... ... or something like that. Should delete my cookies. I first hesitated again and then I decided to wild All cookies deleted. Then again logged on new Google account, and lo and behold ..... there he was again, my blog.

Phew! Honestly, never thought that the loss of my blog's could cause so 'ne panic with me. Why is this happening now so from now on the same, I'm still not sure. The main thing he's back! Maybe yes, my report will help you in the event that you should also happen to anyone.


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