Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Soon Should I Wax Before Vacation

Home & Garden magazines vintage 2006

AWARDED I must clear out again: o) and therefore once again to offer a vintage Home & Garden magazines. These are the books completely from January to December 2006. You are of course used but in good condition. I would like for all the Hermes-Versand € 9.50 + 6,30 € (please pay in advance).
At the flea market blog there are still a few other books, etc.

Otherwise I get here, the slow winter blues! For three days it rains continuously, it's gray in gray! Ugh! Since my last the winter was almost better. Since there was Although snow and frost without end, but at least it seemed the sun more often. But what the heck. One can always change nothing to it. I do then stop a few colored thoughts: o)


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